Net Neutrality – Blessing or Curse for Innovation? // 11 January 2018 – 7pm

Hello, Zurich entrepreneurs!
It is time again for our monthly networking event, a bit delayed by the Christmas holiday season but as a special New Year Edition! After some time where the Zurich meetups took place only virtually, we want to bring our networking events back to real, social space!
For the New Year Networking Event on January 11 at the CreativeSpace Zürich, we will look at a very current and controversal topic: Net Neutrality! While others are looking at it from ideological points of views, we want to reflect on the topic from a business perspective: What does Net Neutrality (or their restrictions) mean for internet startups? Is Net Neutrality a booster, or rather an obstacle for technological innovation?
For this discussion, we are happy to welcome two highly profiled speakers:

  • Prof. Dr. Simon Schlauri, Attorney specialised on regulation of network industries and IT law, board member of „/ch/open“ and „Digitale Allmend“;
  • Michael Widmer, Government Relationship Manager at UPC (formerly known as „Cablecom“), a leading internet access provider in Switzerland.

The second part of the evening will then be dedicated to connecting to other entrepreneurs and helping your project grow by knowing the active people in your startup ecosystem. This is an unofficial and relaxed networking event for people looking for ideas, co-founders, team members, investors, suppliers, and clients.
Our events have usually been joined by 2 – 15 members, and each participant will get a chance to introduce themselves and their project to the other attendees. We are looking forward to an insightful evening!
And if you haven’t done so yet, please don’t forget to add your Project on and join our closed startup group at